Cape Cod Otis AFB Trail Network

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Otis Air National Guard Base is not exactly a place where you’d expect to find great mountain biking, but there are 15 – 20 miles of excellent trails bordering this military installation. This hidden network of singletrack features some of the best riding in Southern New England.


Coming soon…

Area Details

To locate the trailhead, cross over the MMR exit road you just came from, the center median and MMR entrance road, looking for a small opening near its far side going into the woods.

These trails boast the highest elevation riding the Cape has to offer, with several lengthy climbs approaching 100 feet. They are also the most hardpack in the region, with literally small valleys of boulders, smaller rocks and roots. Without a doubt Otis provides some of the most technical singletrack available on Cape Cod.

A word of advice: please take care to ride only south of the MMR road and park only in designated areas. Please refrain from riding near the National Cemetery or Base Housing Area. We ask that you respect the security of this military facility. Not only does it foster good relations between Base personnel and the local riding community, it also ensures continued future access to this valuable singletrack network.

Parking & Directions

To get to Otis, travel to the Cape Cod-side Bourne Bridge rotary. From there take Route 28 headed towards Falmouth and follow all the way to the Otis Rotary. Take the Mass. Military Reservation (MMR) exit off the rotary and continue for 500 yds until you see a U-turn crossway on your left with a slight incline.

Take this extension and follow the road headed in the other direction until you reach the Otis Fish & Game Club parking lot on your left, directly before the rotary.


Otis Atwood Weather