Cape Cod National Seashore

Nauset Marsh Trail


Beginning at Salt Pond Visitor Center in Eastham, gateway to the Cape Cod National Seashore, the Nauset Marsh Trail runs 1.6 miles into National Seashore acreage once inhabited by the Nauset Indian tribe and early Cape Cod settlers. Ending at Coast Guard Beach, this trail provides panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean.


Area Details

A 3-mile round trip, this recently repaved route first wanders through a large grove of cedar, pine and scrub oak trees. Beyond, rolling countryside awaits along with a mid-trail bench serving as a convenient pit stop to rest and enjoy the scenery. Don’t forget to take a detour at the second stop sign and visit the Doane Memorial, a monument to Deacon John Doane. Overlooking Nauset Marsh, that site marks his 1644 homestead.

Back on the paved path, prepare to cross a wooden bridge which spans the marsh flowing into Salt Pond. This bridge was damaged by winter storms in 2009 and subsequently rebuilt during mid-2010. A short distance up the hill is the old Coast Guard Station overlooking Coast Guard Beach. The beach itself is a sprawling and beautiful landscape. At times the surf can reach head high to overhead (6-8 foot) during a nor’easter or hurricane swell.

Parking & Directions

Parking is located at the Salt Pond Visitor Center on Route 6 in Eastham. Heading east, bear right at signs for the Cape Cod National Seashore and immediately turn right again into the lot.

This trailhead is located at the far end, curving right past a small grove of apple trees. Begin here and travel into a stand of locust trees to start your journey. Be sure to watch for other cyclists and pedestrians, as this is a well-traveled route during the summer season.


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